
If you want to help us make a difference in the lives of at-risk dogs, contact us today!

We are a 100% volunteer-run organization. We rely on volunteers with all types of skill sets and interests. Volunteers do everything from transporting dogs to writing grants to running our website and so much more! We need self-driven people with a passion for helping dogs who are willing to help us fulfill our mission. Not every task deals with the dogs directly, but every task enables us to keep helping each dog that we commit to.

We are a 100% volunteer-run organization. As a result, we rely on volunteers with all types of skill sets and interests. Volunteers do everything from transporting dogs to writing grants to running our website and so much more!

The more help we have, the more dogs we can rescue. We need self-driven people with a passion for dogs willing to help us fulfill our mission. Not every task deals with the dogs directly, but EVERY task enables us to keep helping each dog that we commit to.

Note: All k9 kismet rescue volunteers must be at least 18 Years of age.

Open Positions

Additional Help

K9 Kismet Dog Rescue is a registered 501c3 nonprofit which means fees are tax deductible. All adopters must be at least 18 years of age and live in the Southern California area. Sorry, no out-of-state adoptions. K9 Kismet reserves the right to refuse adoption to anyone, for any reason.